A John Leverich in 1759 witnessed the will of Benjamin Sutton of North Castle, Westchester County, New York. A John Leverich is listed as a customer of Caleb Fowler’s general store in North Castle circa 1754-1760. DNA Testing provides evidence that this John Leverich was related to the Newtown Leverichs.
In 2008 five men bearing the surname Leverich participated in genealogical Y-DNA testing. One of these men was a proven descendant of 5-28 John Leverich of North Castle; two of these men were proven descendants of 6-100 Benjamin Leverich who appears in Westchester Co circum 1778; two of these men were proven descendants through different lines of the Leverich family in Newtown, Queens County, Long Island, New York.

Leverich DNA Chart (pdf)
Based upon the DNA test results, the conclusion was: “There is a high probability that these five individuals share a common ancestor in 1-Rev. William Leverich of Newtown, New York.” The testing was done by Family Tree DNA.
At that time, John most likely would have been the son of 4-10 Benjamin and Mary Leverich of Newtown, since the children of Benjamin’s brothers John and William have been documented. It is likely then that the “widow Leveredge” 1769 in North Castle was Mary, widow of Benjamin Leverich, and mother of 5-28 John Leverich.